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Re: RAC info?

Richard Beels wrote:

> >  RAC footage I've seen it probably wouldn't matter that much...why do people
> >  insist on standing at the OUTSIDE of a hairpin corner?! Boggles my mind
> Becasue that's where the best view is.
> >  P.S. anyone know when the RAC series is being brodcasted on Speedvision?
> >  I'm feeling very deprived now that I'm at university and missing it each
> This weekend is New Zealand.  Count the weeks and you'll be close.
> www.speedvision.com for the schedule.
> Cheers,
>         Richard
>         88 90Q "Hannu" - K+N, new vac hoses, still 0.0 bar....

It is best to do what Romana Lageman and I did.Get on the plane and go see it. It
was well worth it. And you actually get to look closer and inquire about proper
rally car construction. That in itself will make you better rally car builder than
all but three or four  rally shops in North America. That is if you are into that
and can actually understand and learn from what they are showing to you.

Mike Zamikhovsky

PS  It is no longer RAC. It is Network Q Rally of Great Brittan. RAC no longer
sponsers it.