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Re: Installing Bomb- Any thing I need do to?

Joe Fritz <"fritz-happ@erols.com"@erols.com> writes:

>>Installing new hydraulic accumulator ("the bomb") in wife's 86 5K
>>Quattro.  Do I need to bleed system, or is it self-bleeding?  Any 
>>suggestions will be appreciated.

An addition to what's already been mentioned, you should
have a line clamp on the reservoir side to hold the fluid,
or a drain pan underneath to catch the hydraulic fluid.

I recently changed the bomb on the V8Q, I believe it
is the easiest bomb replacement in the entire line,
took 15 minutes from start to finish, comes right 
out the top.  If the '86 is like the '84 I've
also done, it's pretty easy to get to also, only 
from underneath the car.  

Use hydraulic wrenches if possible, if the threads 
give you a hard time, a large pair of channel locks
to hold the bomb while you loosen nuts may make 
things easier too.



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