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Re: Post-Thanksgiving Winter maintenance for the 100 S

On Mon, 30 Nov 1998, Todd Young wrote:

> Aleksander Mierzwa wrote:
> > At 17:28 28.11.98 -0800, Timothy Penasack wrote:
> >
> > >1. Oil leak from the front seal (Again!) - 2 years ago when I joined the
> > >list I an oil leak from the front seal. I had the seal replaced plus a new
> > >T-belt and idler pulley installed by a Euro shop in Stoneridge, NY about
> > >18-20 months ago. Well it looks like the leak is back.  Assuming that I
> > >didn't get another bad seal put in, are there any ideas out there for other
> > >reasons for the leak?  Its not that bad yet. I haven't been able to measure
> > >the loss yet.
> >
> > On high mileage engines the seal sometimes wears a groove in the
> > crankshaft's sealing surface. On some engines (dunno about your V6) it is
> > possible to install the seal a little bit deeper so it contacts undamaged
> > surface. It is also possible that the crankshaft has been scored by
> > uncompetent mechanic who did the job last time.
> About the possible groove in the crankshaft....
> There are kits available that have a new seal and a sleeve that is forced onto
> the crankshaft, the sleeve creates a new surface for the seal. The sleeve itself
> is tight enough to the crank that no oil can leak out between the sleeve and the
> crank. The sleeve has to be driven onto the crankshaft with the appropriate tool
> or pipe. There's no need to worry about damaging components in the process of
> driving on the sleeve, it's tight, but thin metal that allows it to stretch
> slightly to conform to the crankshaft. I have personally seen these kits used
> with great results, unfortunately I can't remember the manufacturer's name.
> --
> Todd Young              WAM!NET Inc.
> tyoung@wamnet.com       6100 West 110th Street
> 612-886-5051            Bloomington, MN 55438-2664
> 800-585-1133 ext.5051   http://www.wamnet.com/
This too recently happened to me.  The problem is most likely the oil pump
seal is the culprit.  My mechanic told me I should probably replace it
when I first had it done, but I set no.  I wish I had gone ahead with it.
It requires removal of the oil pump and oil pan.

The kit isn't needed to fix the front crank seal.  My mechanic showed me
that you can remove the little spring and make it tighter for a better
seal.  He just took part of the end off and put it back on to constrict
the hole.  

Unfortunately it is labor intensive.  We would've saved money had we had
it all done at one time. 

Nathan Belo
'88 90Q 184k+ on fresh rebuild.

"To see a thing uncolored by one's own personal preferences and desires is
to see it in its own pristine simplicity."  Bruce Lee--Tao of Jeet Kune Do