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RE: Firewall giving way
>Didn't sound minor to me.
>This problem left them with two choices...sell the car dirt cheap (i.e.
>junk it), take advantage of an unsuspecting "sucker", or invest major
>effort in fixing it.
>It seems they decided that the only way to repair the firewall required
>pulling the engine. So what the heck...let's just install a >new< engine
>while we're at it.
Read the article more closely. They pulled the motor for other
reasons. THe repair is not THAT serious. Pretty common on the 4kq. My
new car has it, I am not scared. Who cares, just fix it. IT is pretty
easy to pull the Brake MC and Booster to get access to it. May want to
pull Radiator Fan to if you feel like it. Then if you are cheap, weld it
shut. BUT, if you go to the trouble, might as well get a piece of
firewall from another 4kq that is a little bigger than area and weld it,
then grind down weld, and weld on new piece for extra strength.
Your Stiff clutch is a symptom of an Old Design Clutch, or an Old
Clutch. Mine got stiffer before it failed on me. New one is VERY light.
MAybe this helps out the firewall problem too. Stiff clutch puts more
pedal pressure on Fire Wall. Now my new clutch has light pressure. yay.
I would keep the car if it is in decent shape otherwise and fix
the problem. Easy to do, even a semi-competent welder (like a friend at
work or you) could do it. I plan on doing mine myself. L8R
Todd Phenneger
1984 4000s quattro / modified/ awaiting Turbo Transplant.
1985 4000 quattro / Silver / Fixing it Up.
1987 4000cs quattro / Saphire Metallic Blue/ Girlfriend's
1996 A6q / Volcano / Dads Car
*****1985 5kt / PARTING OUT!