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Anyone with High Octane Gas BTDT's?

Hey everyone,

I'm looking for BTDT's on high octane gas.

In the San Francisco Area Supreme is 92 octane.

I talked to a local independent gas station and asked him if he new where I
could get 

some high octane unleaded gas. 

He told me if I buy some he would stock it in one of his pumps, 

It's supposed to be 104 octane Unleaded.

I did mention to him I had friends that might buy some too.

The service station is in San Mateo CA and it's called "Bob Reed's" 

It's an Olympic gas station  (How appropriate for our "Olympic" cars)

It's located on Palm Avenue in San Mateo by the super Safeway near 20th & El

So here's my questions?

How much octane can I put in the car without hurting anything?

Will I notice a difference in the way my car runs?

Should I do a mixture like 50/50 of 92 and 104 octane?

Is there a math formula for the mixtures so I can determine what octane level
it will be if I mix it with 92 octane?

Anyone ever used low lead AV gas?

If so how'd it work and did it destroy your kitty?

Also any other information you think I ought to know?

Thanks in advance  	Howard Dinits
