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RE: How safe are our tyres?

Yeah, typos are a bitch, aren't they.  You know, if everyone who's chided
me for mixing up an H and an S spent half as much time sending me info for
the "wheel and tire database" and they did sending me chiding private
emails (and you all know who you are), we'd have a nice full table for the

Anyways, on with the answers:
> 	One question, W and Y rated tyres are still Z rated.  Z is better
> though as it is still unlimited?d  That would make sense.  So a W rated
> tire is still Z rated but limited to what you said but a straight Z can be
> higher?  I didn't know that.
Yes, W and Y rated tires are still Z rated as well, consider them the
sub-groups of "Limited Z".  "Unlimited Z" requires a check with the
manufacturer for max speed.

> 	Also, your part on incrasing tire pressure.  What pressure is that
> from???  Adding 5 psi if you want to sustain 150 mph is great but add 5
> psi to what, NOT the Max pressure I am assuming, that doesn't make sense.
> Can you explain that a bit more.  Thanks
Uprated from the car manufacturer's recc spec for the vehicle.  If you
check the inside of the gas cap flap, you'll see the recc specs for the car
with various loads (higher load = higher pressure).  Same idea.  No, you do
not want to exceed the max pressure that's molded onto the sidewall.  If
you're that high, you're doing something wrong: driving too fast, too heavy
a load, too small a tire, etc....

	88 90Q "Hannu" - K+N, new vac hoses, still 0.0 bar....
	88 Golf GTi - PRO Rally