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RE: Today...Has been a great day...

Brendan said

> Yes, folks, today in typical Boston traffic, my older, wiser 87 4kq did
> the
> impossible: I passed a Lamborghini Coutach (sp?).  Ok, Ok, it was only
> doing 30 mph and he was trying to fix his rearview mirror, but damn it was
> fun.
> Thought I would share.
Think I'll share also.  I drove a Ferrari 348 convertible last Thursday.  I
was NOT impressed.  It was fast, but not that fast.  The 3.0 or 3.5 bar S6
I'd ridden in was way faster.  Something like the dragon wagon would crap
all over this thing.  It felt rock solid until you reached the edge, then,
SNAP!, the rear end was swapping places with the front.  Oh, and don't even
think about lifting your foot off the throttle, 'cause the ends still swap,
but now in the opposite direction of original spin.  Talk about the spider
bite(tm), this is like getting eaten by Godzilla.  More for the "Mine is
bigger than yours" crowd, I think.  However, my buddy is a Fiat guy
extraordinaire, and he's still talking about the drive.  Me, gimme a
Hoppen/MTM S2, life is good.  Hell, I'll keep my 88 5kcstq.  Different

Gary Lewis 
88 5kcstq 1.8 bar 108km Pearl w/Fuchs, K24 turbo
TransGlobal Financial  (818) 384-7600
Mergers, Acquisitions, Public Offerings