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Re: busted timming pin

It can be drilled out BTDT.If by chance you enlarge the hole, make a new
pin using the end of a drill bit cut to the proper length. Lets say the
pin is 8mm , you drill the broken pin out with a 5/16 drill bit
the next size larger wire drill size is an "o" (8.026mm).Cut the butt
of this drill to the proper length and tap it in with a hammer. You can
gain adequate work space by removing the starter. The fische says the
pin is 4h8x20. Start with a GOOD QUALITY drill bit,if in doubt,buy a new
one.Drill slowly with a steady pressure on the drill motor.Very
not to break the drillbit in the flywheel. Neither the pin nor the
flywheel are very hard, however the pin you make from the drill will be.
If you have the time to wait you should order a new pin(proper