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Re: busted timming pin
At 12:48 PM 12/8/98 -0500, Glen_Powell@ne.3com.com wrote:
>I replaced these pins on my ur-q when I had the flywheel lightened. The
>pins are a standard size used on many japanese motorcyclyes, though I got
>mine from Audi. It was a simple matter to drill-out the old ones and
>replace with the new.
>mmueller@es.com on 12/08/98 11:39:29 AM
>Has anyone had to deal with a replacing the small pin on the flywheel that
>is used for TDC location? Mine is busted and the machine shop says it is
>hard to drill out. Yep Phil, I misread your instructions for removing the
>crankshaft bolt. I also have to find a replacement pin. Any BTDT would be
>appreciated. Problems that aren't simple are frustrating.
i was going to have that part resurfaced on my flywheel but couldn't find
anyone who makes a 4mm collet for a puller.
drilling may be the only option.