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RE: heater and interior humidity problems

Adam:  Yes, it is very cruel and I empahize w/you.  Because of snow in 
Oreon on Saturday we took the 88 5kcstq to head to the coast which 
requires us to go over a 1500 foot pass.  It was an incredible joke; 
I'd never had a car fog up worse, particularly with all the air 
blowing onto the windows from the active defrost fan.  Needless to say 
my family thought I was crazy to drive a car I had to wipe the windows 
on constantly.

Later after we had given up on the trip and returned home I was 
checking the flaps under the right hand side of the dash which I could 
reach by simply leaning under the dash.  They were open and when I 
pushed them shut a spring fell out of one of them.  That inoperative 
spring was likely designed to close those flaps and clearly it was not 
working.  Since having closed them manually I have not had any bad 
fogging problems.  I expect these are recirculation flaps that when 
pushed closed stop the recirculation of air.  In high humidity 
situations you do not want to recirculate air.  Simply pushing the 
doors closed (in lieu of the spring) is not a long term fix but it 
lets me get around.

Meanwhile, as soon as I figured out how to close the recirc flaps my 
driver door handle broke  :(  Other than that a nice car.

Dick Binns

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Subject: heater and interior humidity problems
Author:  "Adam Sciortino" [SMTP:A.Sciortino@usa.net] at MSXGATE
Date:    12/9/98 2:16 PM