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Re: KG Engine specs
In message <19981210174447.A3328@ms.unimelb.edu.au> Tony Guttmann writes:
> The car has a (presumably non-original) KG engine, and the local
> authorities want to subject it to a $2500 emission test, unless
> he can provide some provenance. Audi (Australia) are, as usual,
> totally unhelpful (their web site says "Don't ask us about specs.")
I can imagine. If I were 'the aurthorities', I'd want to take a damn
long look at it, too.
> (BTW, another oddity, the car is black, as factory original, and
> I heard they didn't make any black cars)!
Bugrit. So that thing I've got in the garage (and on Scott Mockry's
web pages) isn't an ur-quattro?
Phil Payne
Phone: 0385 302803 Fax: 01536 723021
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