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Re: A4 Audi Advantage-Brake fluid replacement

In message <9e8d4f7c.36702378@aol.com> ARPCAxPREZ@aol.com writes:

> ?.................I suspect they suction/pump out the fluid in the reservoir
> and then fill it back up with fresh fluid.  I see NO evidence that they
> removed each wheel to bleed the brakes at the caliper nipple, resulting in
> fresh fluid through all brake lines and calipers.  My wheels were brake dust
> dirty and I find no finger prints or such on any wheel, not even the center
> caps.   Isn't this sorta like washing your car with dirty water ?  Does anyone
> know what they do ? or have I already guessed it ?....................looks
> like I'll be calling them....

Officially, they should hook up a box-like contraption with a couple
of dials on the side to the brake reservoir, then bleed the master
cylinder, proportioning valve, and each wheel cylinder of 500ml of
brake fluid.

With the car on an appropriate lift, this can be done in a few minutes
with the wheels in place.  The guys at BR Motorsport can pour three
litres of brake fluid through my system in the time it takes me to
minutely examine each of the tyres for nails and sharp stones.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)