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Subject: Re: 200tq tires leaking!!!!

"mike jones" <depolom68@hotmail.com> wrote:

>I put new tires on my 89' 200tq about three months ago. I have gone on
>vacation twice since then for a week each time. Both times I've returned
>to find the two front tires flat!!!! The first time the back tire was
>alomost flat as well. I can't figure this out. I can drive the car
>everyday and don't seem to lose any air. If I leave it sit I'm sure they
>would all be flat within a week and a half. I've examined the tires and
>there doesn't seem to be any nails or anything of the sort in them. Any
>help anyone could give me I'd really appreciate. I'm planning on making
>a very long trip in about a week and I'm worried about the situation.

I've also seen poor quality valve stems leak quite a bit; they may have reused
the old ones.  Bring it back, ask for new valve stems, and have them
overpressure the tire a bit and soap it up.  If there's a leak that would
drain the tire overnight, you could likely spot it by the bubbles in the soapy
HTH, chris miller, windham nh, c1j1miller@aol.com
'91 200q ==> http://members.aol.com/c1j1miller/index.html