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re: 200tq tires leaking!!!!

Tom Nas <tnas@euronet.nl> writes:
>"mike jones" <depolom68@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>I put new tires on my 89' 200tq about three months ago. I have gone on
>>vacation twice since then for a week each time. Both times I've returned
>>to find the two front tires flat!!!! The first time the back tire was
>Either someone's playing a trick on you by letting the tyres down in your
>absence, or your wheels' protective coating has lifted, allowing air out
>underneath. A very common ailment with aging alloys. Have the tyres taken
>off, the rims cleaned and treated with some kind of rust prevention and the
>tyres reinstalled, and it won't happen again for some time.

Or the wheels could have hairline cracks. BTDT.

But it's unlikely that 2 wheels would suddenly develop cracks or become

Check the valve stems...the inside part could be loose. There's a tool that
shops have to tighten them...

