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In a message dated 12/12/98 7:59:54 PM !!!First Boot!!!, human@nh.ultranet.com

<< Hmmm, my point was really that in the end the heat (when cooling) still
 has to be exchanged with the air, so why not do it directly?  I guess
 the air/water interface gives a more stable oil temp.?

Yup the oil temp is more consistent with the water temp using an oil/water
cool, also the space taken up by such a unit is vastly smaller than using an
air/oil oil cooler, plus the engine oil heats up a lot faster,  of course if
the car blows a hose oil temps skyrocket, and if the cooler fails you have a
crankcase full of antifreeze.  The best bet would be to run but an oil/water
and oil/air oil c	ooler..