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Re: Which Quattro to buy?

In message <199812140716.CAA21539@coimbra.ans.net> Michael Williams writes:

> Looking over the records of the UrQ, i added up the cost of all of the
> maintainance and repairs that this car has had over the past 10 years. It
> added up to about 1000-1200 per year from what i can remember.  That is
> affordable for me, and i dont quite know where everyone comes up with 5k+
> per year...

My car is driven _hard_, and is maintained in as close as possible to
'new' condition mechanically.

Ur-quattro MB - 75,360 miles to 163,100 miles in 5 1/2 years:

    Date          Reason                   $ Equiv

 06-Jul-93  HPI Check                       $24.86
 08-Jul-93  Immobiliser                    $215.41
 13-Jul-93  Initial Service                $282.62
 12-Oct-93  Oil pressure switch            $213.02
 16-Mar-94  Service                        $230.11
 12-Apr-94  Turbo Check                     $42.05
 27-Jun-94  Turbo Check                    $150.01
 29-Jul-94  New Tyres                      $900.28
 01-Aug-94  Turbo Replacement            $2,589.48
 02-Aug-94  MOT Test                        $41.92
 10-Aug-94  Bushes and Oil Change          $520.07
 13-Aug-94  Track Rod                      $165.70
 07-Oct-94  Air Filter & Hose               $60.45
 03-Jan-95  Service Manuals                $238.19
 27-Jan-95  Oil and Battery Check          $176.40
 06-Apr-95  Cam Belt and Alignment       $1,850.98
 30-Apr-95  Microfiche Reader Parts        $198.28
 03-Nov-95  Service & Various            $1,020.12
 04-Nov-95  Vacuum Hose                     $20.25
 09-Nov-95  Oil Cooler Pipes               $474.58
 03-Jan-96  Window Regulator               $509.73
 30-Jan-96  Radiator                       $511.30
 15-Feb-96  Alignment                       $58.41
 04-May-96  Headlight Bulbs                $154.78
 07-May-96  New Tyres                      $986.35
 10-May-96  Misfiring                      $173.04
 12-Jun-96  Screwdriver Bits                $21.52
 21-Jun-96  Misfiring & Steering Clunk     $141.71
 10-Jul-96  Service                        $842.40
 11-Aug-96  Clutch Master Cylinder         $157.46
 30-Aug-96  Clutch and Manifold          $3,374.27
 14-Sep-96  Thermostat                      $30.57
 21-Sep-96  Switch                          $28.24
 17-Oct-96  Excess on windscreen            $66.28
 25-Oct-96  MOT Test                        $47.49
 30-Nov-96  Oil                             $31.47
 12-Dec-96  Headlight Bulbs                $150.70
 24-Dec-96  Parts for Clutch M/C            $73.41
 03-Jan-97  Boot Lid Struts                 $81.57
 01-Sep-97  Gasket Sealant                   $4.13
 17-Jan-97  V-Belt                          $15.72
 04-Feb-97  Hydraulic Tappets              $294.42
 12-Feb-97  Fuel Injection Parts            $99.01
 14-Feb-97  Fuel Pressure Regulator        $321.28
 02-Mar-97  Fuel Pressure Meter              $0.00
 13-Mar-97  Rear Light Cluster             $115.26
 15-Mar-97  Fuel Pipe & Clips               $55.96
 19-Mar-97  Parts for Rear Light             $8.57
 20-Mar-97  Flare Nut Spanner               $21.62
 27-Mar-97  Hose Clip                        $4.87
 02-Apr-97  Camshaft Oil Seal               $24.14
 04-Apr-97  Hose Clips                       $4.37
 04-Apr-97  System Pressure Regulator       $87.62
 05-Apr-97  Fuel Hose                        $6.81
 10-Apr-97  Vacuum Pump                    $102.24
 04-Dec-97  MOT Test                        $48.75
 20-Apr-97  Carburettor Cleaner              $4.89
 26-Apr-97  Parts for Service              $136.35
 02-May-97  Fuel System Check              $311.52
 10-May-97  Door Parts                     $108.38
 15-May-97  Mirror Fixing Plate             $13.64
 21-Jun-97  Wiper Control Unit              $43.23
 22-Jun-97  Spark Plug Puller                $3.93
 05-Jul-97  Gearbox Oil                      $9.94
 08-Jul-97  Clips                            $2.98
 08-Jul-97  Fuel Pressure Regulator        $204.42
 12-Jul-97  WOT Switch                      $82.90
 19-Jul-97  Crowfoot Flare Sockets         $154.58
 25-Jul-97  Clips                            $8.45
 28-Jul-97  Spare ECU                      $364.76
 02-Aug-97  Fuel Line Sealant               $23.35
 08-Aug-97  Screws                           $2.63
 08-Aug-97  Screws                           $2.63
 08-Aug-97  Thread Sealant                  $28.67
 11-Aug-97  Brake Pads                      $77.88
 14-Aug-97  BEM Mueller                    $124.61
 16-Aug-97  Brake Parts                     $38.74
 31-Aug-97  Tool Box                        $35.91
 13-Sep-97  Locking Nuts                    $13.72
 24-Sep-97  Temperature Senders             $55.03
 01-Oct-97  Keys                            $26.48
 01-Oct-97  Brake Pressure Accumulator     $305.68
 13-Oct-97  FedEx on ECU                    $45.82
 23-Oct-97  Fuel Distributor Diaphragm      $36.50
 26-Oct-97  Antifreeze                      $18.36
 26-Oct-97  Antifreeze                      $19.06
 30-Oct-97  Fuel Injection Gaskets          $25.58
 04-Nov-97  Audi Service Tool 1348/1A      $172.31
 04-Nov-97  Set of Flare Nut Wrenches       $19.37
 06-Nov-97  Water Pump & Belt              $128.50
 06-Nov-97  Torque Wrench for Cambelt      $429.53
 11-Sep-97  Injector Cleaner                 $7.61
 17-Nov-97  Front Fog Light                 $72.05
 19-Nov-97  Switch & Valve                  $60.45
 28-Nov-97  Rear Silencer                  $513.49
 01-Dec-97  Tyres                          $809.94
 04-Dec-97  Front Suspension             $2,235.77
 03-Jan-98  Breather Hose                   $42.87
 07-Jan-98  Auxiliary Radiator             $254.08
 07-Mar-98  Wiper Controller                $61.06
 09-Mar-98                                  $64.26
 12-Mar-98  Insurance Excess                $82.85
 12-Mar-98  Repairs to bodywork          $1,207.12
 14-Mar-98  Repair parts                    $41.76
 18-Mar-98  Undertray                      $345.58
 27-Mar-98  Bushes for Undertray            $45.83
 03-Apr-98  Seat Belt                      $227.17
 04-Apr-98  Battery                         $87.62
 18-Apr-98  Brake Servo Hose                 $4.89
 18-Apr-98  1/2 Ratchet                     $95.44
 25-Apr-98  Clips                            $5.78
 04-May-98  Service Parts                   $53.72
 09-May-98  Seat Padding                    $99.88
 15-May-98  Dialynx Repairs                $275.76
 21-May-98  Exchange Cylinder Head         $952.46
 01-Jun-98  Washer Jet & Breather Parts     $96.50
 11-Jun-98  Electrical Parts                $57.61
 11-Jun-98  Spring Compressor               $56.45
 12-Jun-98  Flushing Oil & Filters          $28.00
 16-Jun-98  Thermostat                      $57.42
 17-Jun-98  Antifreeze                      $23.15
 01-Jul-98  1/4 Extension                   $28.91
 17-Jul-98  17mm Driver                     $15.14
 17-Jul-98  Screws & Ties                   $40.83
 17-Jul-98  Protective Oil                  $49.68
 22-Jul-98  Brake Servo                    $626.41
 22-Jul-98  Brake Fluid                     $24.34
 03-Sep-98  Washers                         $77.02
 08-Sep-98  Fuel Metering Head             $447.80
 24-Sep-98  Pressure Sensor                $131.93
 29-Sep-98  Seat Heater Element            $129.48
 10-Oct-98  Oil Change                      $33.94

          Total                         $32,675.74

The 'run rate' has gone down significantly since the start of 1998,
when I took up wrenching again after a thirty-year (28, actually)

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)