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Re: Ur-quattro costs

In message <c=US%a=_%p=Pitcairn_Trust_C%l=BEETHOVEN-981214190506Z-874@beethoven.pitcairn.com> Lawrence Bardfeld writes:

> I understand the theory, but nevertheless think that including the
> cost of tools unfairly overstates the case.

Only a tiny fraction of the tool cost is included - you can take 'em
out if you like, it makes little difference.

The only major tool item is the massive torque wrench.  The business
case for this was discussed at the time - it was a question of waiting
almost two weeks for one of the local shops to do the crank pulley,
or hiring/buying the tools to do it.  It works out I saved ca. $60
by buying the torque wrench - I have no problem with it being in the
costs, because if it weren't there's be a $750 item for the labour.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
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