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RE: $6

In Dec 95 my 95.5 S6 Avant listed at $48k.  Since it was a lease deal it's
not clear what the actual acquisition cost was, but my calculated guess was
about $45K, maybe a bit less.  There was certainly no incentive to sell them
cheaply when there was only a dozen or so left in the pipeline before
shutdown of importation on Dec 31 1995.  They built and imported as many S6
sedans and wagons as was humanly possible in November and December of 1995.
I doubt that a new A6Q Avant sold for much more than $35K back then...

The margin now may well be lower.  It was high then simply because the model
was soon to be unavailable for import into the US.  Very limited supply
relative to demand means higher prices, as we all know.  Same issue we're
facing now with used S6 prices...

-----Original Message-----
From: Daily,DerekSJMCG [mailto:DDaily@sjmcb.mitsui.com]
Sent: Monday, December 14, 1998 5:49 PM
To: Spire, Ed; 'quattro@coimbra.ans.net'
Subject: RE: $6


I am learning something new everyday.  $10k difference between the A6qw and
S6w?!  And to think the majority of dealers (and some article writers)
believe the A/S4 margin will be much less.  My reasoning with the
salesperson was that a fully equipped A4 could run to almost $40k already
(MSRP), how could the A/S4 come in at anywhere near ~$42k?  His
argument...more standard options on the S, main difference is engine,
competition with M3.  After THIS insight re: A6vS6 I can forget about it...

If Ed (or others) care to divulge actual sales price on the S6 when new, we
can compare the loss of value (depreciation) to the NA A6, giving me a
better insight into potential A/S4 purchase.  And I do like the idea about
lease buyout...;-)

Along similar lines...how much can I expect the A4tqw to depreciate after
one year? two?  How do financiers develop this value?

Thanks for the input, 

Derek Daily
90 CQ
86.5 VW qsw

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Spire, Ed [SMTP:ed.spire@missioncritical.com]
[Daily,DerekSJMCG] snipped  Note that the 95.5 S6 Avant list price
was nearly $10K more than the A6Q Avant, and there was very little
discounting going on, since this was the end of the production run, with no
replacement vehicle in sight for the US market.