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Re: 5k hydraulic brakes/leaking rack question
quk@isham-research.demon.co.uk (Phil Payne) wrote:
> "Ken Keith" writes:
> > Question: Once the rack is done, is it prone to leak again?
> >
> > Is it the age of the seals, or is it the design? Will it go out again soon, or
> > does it take another ten years?
> Simple test. Get the car on a lift with the wheels dangling free.
> Take a roadwheel in your hands, holding it at the 9 o'clock and
> 3 o'clock positions. Turn it to full lock in both directions.
> If the effort required to _leave_ full lock in both direction is the
> same, you'll be OK. If it's much stiffer in one direction than the
> other, new seals will not last very long.
What is the reason for the increased resistance?