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A4 Wheels

Greetings fellow listers:

First of all, let me say that I am not posting this as a vendor, as I
don't plan to make any profits off of these sales other than handling
fees to make up for my time. My company is not in the automotive
business, but we have a deal with Tire Rack so that I can get wholesale
prices through the compan-- I just wanted to see if I could help any
other q-listers out.

I know that many of you have been mentioning that you are looking for
the factory 5 spoke A4 wheels (16 x 7) for your type 44's, etc.  I just
noticed today in my Tire Rack wholesale update that ATP makes a replica
of this wheel called the A5.  It is available in 15 x 7 and 16 x 7 at
$95/ea and $115/ea respectively.  ATP makes a great wheel, not a cheap
replica like you sometimes see in various local shops.  Just seeing how
much USED A4 wheels go for (mine went for $750 with 75% Badyears) I
figure there might be some interest since this is a pretty good price.
If we can get together a group purchase of even a few sets, it would be
worth it for me to organize it.  I can probably get Tire Rack to
directly drop ship these to you so we could all save some of the S&H

Drop me an e-mail if you are interested, and I will get back with
everyone soon!

Chris Woodward
Get Wireless, Inc. Atlanta, GA
(770) 640-6141