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Re: Rack woes and THE CURE - Jorgen #?
> Huw, I'm guessing that you posted this message before I posted the one
> with Jorgen's number in it--but if not, it's (800)333-0600. They're in
> Ann Arbor, MI.
> But I thought only type 44 racks went bad so often...
at 260,000 punishing miles including a few minor accidents I think the
rack has a right to start exhibiting a little slop (axial play,
actually, allowing tie rods to lift/drop, it's probably 20 degrees by
now) and demand replacement. I suspect a $150-200 new or rebuilt part
would be a better investment than the labor of removing a 130k mile used
one I have that has no play... considering that it is cold out and the
donor vehicle isn't even on blocks yet!
Huw Powell
82 Audi Coupe; 85 Coupe GT