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RE: Screwy A4 locks

Art4@aol.com said:
	Has anyone ever had their locks on an A4 mess up.   By this, I mean,  I use
to have to turn the key twice to unlock the other doors and trunk.  Now I just
unlock all by one turn.  It all started when my alarm system went screwy and
locked up my car.  I took it in to get fixed after it started to act normal
and I could drive the car once again.  They could not find a problem when
doing diagnostics, but all things unlocked when unlocking the drivers door(one

I had my A4 locks reprogrammed by the dealer to get rid of the "Safety Lock"
function that requires you to turn the lock twice to unlock the whole car.
This feature is really meant for women's protection and to prevent car jacking
in bad parts of town.  

It sounds like your dealer accidentally deleted this when he was diagnosing
your locks, just take it back and have him reprogram the locks.  Go to the FAQ
section of A4.org, and there is a listing of all the features you can add or
delete from your locking system, and how to program them.  You need a special
VAG tool to do this, so just print it out and take it with you to the dealer
and give it to the mechanic.

You can also program the lights to flash when you lock/unlock the car, have
the horn honk or not, have the doors lock automatically at 15mph, have the
doors unlock when you take the key out of the ignition, be able to roll
up/down the windows from the remote, and the list goes on and on.....

BTW, this only applies to '97 and newer A4s I think....

  /\        _I        Christian J. Long (& Breeze Parker-Long)
/    \ I_I I_I I      Orlando, Florida, USA
                       University of Central Florida Alumni 1994
'98 Audi A4 1.8tm    Neuspeed .8 bar, K&N, 17" Ronal R28 P7000ss
'96 BMW 318ti         For sale!
'90 Audi 90              
Past Audis: '84 CGT, '85CGT, '87.5 CGT, '90 CQ