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Re: Surging at 11 psi fixed (UrQ)

In a message dated 12/15/98 "Ned Ritchie" <NED@IntendedAcceleration.com>

<< Try W7DTC  Bosch without the R Or BP6ET from NGK

The added R gives too much resistance.
Given stock wires you have:

The resistor at the cap end 
Solid wires
The resistor at the plug end
And then you ADD a "R" plug???

I think that is over kill. >>

Thank you Ned for that bit of advice! Would this also apply to those of us who
use the FD5POR plugs on modded 10v turbos?

Along those lines, what plug wires should we be using with the FD5POR plugs?

Mike Veglia
87 5kcstq