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re: NEUSPEED Chip for 1.8T
"Thames, Philip (Philip)" <Philip.Thames@ons.octel.com> wrote:
> I was browsing info about ABT on the web and found that thru Autobahn
> International they are now selling a NEUSPEED chip for $179.95!!! Does
> anyone out there know anything about this chip? Or where I can find more
> info? I ck'd out their website but the Audi piece is under construction.
> Here's the site: http://www.autobahnint.com/AIM_store/Html/A4/A4.htm
Sometimes the timing of the list amazes me.
Just last night, I was browsing the Autobahnint site for the
first time. I missed a cheap sale of H&R springs for 4kq's,
they were only like $169! I never heard anything about it
on the list. Maybe I missed the posts, but I would have expected
to see posts about the killer deals.
I noticed Neuspeed makes springs for 4kq's. Thats surprising to
me. I wonder if I should consider them. I've always thought of
Neuspeed as kinda the Nike or Pepsi of tuners, commercialized.
Supplying the Honda market hasn't done much for them in terms
of my opinion of them either.
But that Autobahnint does seem to have some fair pricing on
stuff. Guess I'll get to putting a link on my websit for 'em.