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Re: $1100 to fix the "worn pads" warning? Please tell me it ain't so...

try jumpering the connectors with a piece of wire....
this is what triggers it a broken wire...
Rich Andrews

BTW, Don't believe the dealer!! They are scum IMO find the problem with
a little motivation and the list!
> A few days ago, the "Brake Pad Warning" light came on in the S4's autocheck
> display. Took it in, the dealer checked the connections, sprayed contact
> cleaner across the appropriate section of the dash electronics, and off went
> the light.
> Today it's back, (at first only after a few minutes, now almost
> instantaneously) and the dealer tells me that unless they can find a short
> or a loose connector, I'm looking at either:
> a) Spending $1100 to replace the whole of that guage set that sends/receives
> the autocheck codes.
> b) Disconnect the box and lose the autocheck and the radio display.
> Does anyone have any BTDTs on this stuff, or any plan (c)'s they'd care to
> share?
> Geoff
> '94 S4