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Re: S6 (aka $6)

Spire, Ed wrote:

> But stop complaining about reality, OK?  It's more useful to understand how
> the marketplace works.  That way you can understand where to look for the
> bargains (like the used A8 you rightfully pointed out.)


I couldn't agree with you more.  So, when the A6 Avants come through
next year with the 3.7 V8 the prices of the 95.5 S6 Avants will, for the
most part, drop to a more reasonable price than they are now.  

In 96 I almost bought a 95.5 "leftover" S6 Avant for $40K.  Now I wished
I would have.  Just think, drive a car for 3 years and ask 2K less than
you paid for it.  Isn't the free market a great thing!
