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Re: 2 piece exhaust manifold
On Fri, 18 Dec 1998 02:01:16 -0500, Igor Kessel wrote:
>>[ ... ]
>>Obviously, the logical thing to do was replace the one-part (cracked)
>>with a two-part. Actually, it's a six-part ...
>Ten. Plus seven gaskets, according to my 558kb 89_200TQ.mdb MSAccess
>repair log file.
>Here are the numbers for the whole thing. Perhaps the 10vt owners would
>want to save it for that _inevidable_ future need.
>[ ... ]
Igor, you are one organized dude. Excellent kit summary and thanks
for the support bracket reminder. I'd forgotten that bit. How did you
figure out the plugged hole was intended for an exhaust temperature
gauge? (And is there an implication that installing a 2-pc might be
an excellent time to add this measurement function?) Another
possibility for the hole may be WG control. I believe my mechanic's
Euro '85 200 (KG engine?) may measure boost on the exhaust side.
>Please note the line 266 - "Support". Expensive and a real b!tch to
>install (here go your knucles).
>Thanks to Scott Justasson who insisted that I bought and installed mine.
>A lot of people would tell you to skip it coz "it works good without
>it". Sure. Just keep in mind that without this heavy cast iron support
>your whole 1-piece exhaust assembly will be hanging on the No.No. 11 &
>12 studs. Ever wondered why do they always break? Wonder no more. Audi
>has already found the remedy. See line 266.
It could be the studs on the front piece which are threatened in the
2-piece system. The rear piece is isolated from the exhaust system
by the flex pipe and it is the support bracket that brings the rearmost
studs into the game.
>Alread in the UK found another solution - a flex bellow between the
>exhaust itself and the EM and refuses to warrant his aftermarket EM
>without purchasing the said bellow. He also thinks that the weight of
>the heavy 1-piece ehxhaust of the 200, dangling on the No.No. 11 & 12
>studs, is a bad idea.
When I received my Dialynx EM, it came with a very nicely built
bellows coupling. (If only the EM was so well done.) Using it involves
exhaust system surgery and it is not compatible with US sized 2"
stainless pipe. :-( The vendor (TAP) advised, incorrectly I believe, that
the bellows is only necessary on an urq installation.
DeWitt Harrison
Boulder, CO
88 5kcstq