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Light purchase via Denon. etc...

Just had a nice chat with Ron (Ian is on holiday). The other side of the
light purchase is in the states and should be arriving shortly. He said he
would be calling everyone as he prepared to send them out. Whether or not
they arrive to us before Christmas is iffy due to the holiday crunch, but
should be here soon after. 
Mike Arman can now jump fer joy as he'll be getting my old 5K euros
shortly. I've had to lay up my Audi for a month or so to work on numerous
projects that have backed up to the point of ridiculousness. Looking for a
job while working 2 others, taking care of 7 birds and a house don't give
me much time to breathe much less work on the Audi.
********************************AUDI FAN***********************************
                                   EMCM(SW) Dave Head  
87 5KCStq 249K miles                1.85 or so... bar 
    qcusa #3442           Oviedo, Florida     plate: STLTHTQ