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RE: Wheel washing

DOUBLDz@aol.com wrote:

>I am currently using a brake cleaner that comes in a black pump spray bottle.
>Spray it on, scrub a bit with a sponge on a stick and hose it off. The
>directions warn to wash it off in 30 seconds. The problem is, my hose is put
>away. After the first real frost it seemed prudent. So now what? If I have to
>rinse with a bucket of water, maybe I should use something like this degreaser
>Avi talks about. What do you think? How much rinsing has to be done with this
>stuff? I refuse to be seen black wheels even in winter, so I need a solution.
>BTW, with snow tires on my front wheels seem to get even blacker than with
>regular tires.

I have no garden hose, so I always use a couple of buckets of clean water
to rinse the stuff off. Works perfectly, even with aggressive cleaners. And
my wheels still look very good.
