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Re: 15" Ronal's 4x108

If these are the OEM on the URQ I have just bought 4 brand new from Audi UK
shipped from Milton Keynes their part store... so still available here.


-----Original Message-----
From: Autobahn01@aol.com <Autobahn01@aol.com>
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: 20 December 1998 15:37
Subject: WTB: 15" Ronal's 4x108

>Can anybody help me out with this? I'm hunting for a set of long-since NLA
>Ronal's, 15", OEM R8 style. Prefer sets of four, as I don't have any
>I've sold the OZ's that were on my '87 and am looking for something close
to a
>stock look. I'd bet somebody's got a set of these stashed in their garage
>gathering dust waiting for just the right suc..customer.
>C'mon Jeff, Martin, Scotty, John, Scott, Ben, Eric, anybody?
>Cash or interesting trades available.
>Chris Semple
>'87 4000q-shoeless