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Re: Timing belt paranoia - jury is in

In message <004201be2c65$35c6e9a0$34afb3cf@hsutherl.nbnet.nb.ca> "Dean and Heather Sutherland" writes:

> Tks all who offered advice.  In case you're curious, most suggested doing
> the belt now as preventative maintenance (this is a 1986 4KQ with 155,000km
> with original belt).  As far as the damage that can result from a broken
> belt, it seems the 5cyl in my 86 is at less risk than the models with more
> valves.  Re the suggestion to pry the cover back to see if the belt looks
> cracked, my mechanic tells me that even if it looks fine, it could still
> break if it's time is up.

In theory, an 86 4KQ is non-interference and should not be in any danger.

In practice, a number of engines of this type have proven to be
interference engines and have shown serious damage after a belt

Your mechanic is right (rare, worth cultivating) because the smallest
radius your belt is subjected to is the idler roller, and the subsequent
damage is only visible on the _INSIDE_ of the belt.  You can't judge
the state of a timing belt by examining the outside.

When you get the old belt off tomorrow, turn it inside out and take
another look.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)