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RE: 84 Coupe GT, What's it worth?

Jim et al.

I have an 84 Coupe in my driveway for the taking it will run but has body
damage and a few other problems but for free what do you want.  I have
mentioned it to the group before only nibbles and the car still sits where I
left it, unproven since September.

Let me know,


P.S. its located in Stamford CT. just 2 miles off I95

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Dupree, Jim [SMTP:dupree@alldata.com]
> Sent:	Monday, December 21, 1998 5:05 PM
> To:	Quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject:	RE: 84 Coupe GT, What's it worth?
> I want to thank everyone that responded to my inquiry. I think I have
> enough
> info to make my call on this . I never planned to spend more that $200 for
> this car but I needed a value range to give my wife. i.e. "But Dear, It is
> probable worth $1500 and I can buy it for $150" she tolerate a good deal
> much better than just another project. If I could buy it for $150 a drive
> it
> for 6 months without spending too much on repairs then I could sell it for
> $400-$500 and be happy and have my 4Q fixed by then.
> Thanks
> Jim Dupree
>  <mailto:dupree@alldata.com> dupree@alldata.com
> Technical Editor II
> Database Development
> (916) 684-5200 Ext. 3346
> Fax: (916) 684-5225
> 	-----Original Message-----
> 	From:	tsal2@juno.com [SMTP:tsal2@juno.com]
> 	Sent:	Friday, December 18, 1998 3:45 PM
> 	To:	Quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> 	Subject:	Re: 84 Coupe GT, What's it worth?
> 	It's worth around $3,000 U.S. in "excellent" shape.  I wouldn't pay
> much
> 	more than $2000 for one in "real good" condition.  
> 	On Fri, 18 Dec 1998 12:48:05 -0800 "Dupree, Jim"
> <dupree@alldata.com>
> 	writes:
> 	>I may have a chance to purchase a 1984 Coupe GT cheap.
> 	>I have not seen it yet but I am told it is black with black leather
> 	>seats
> 	>and the interior and exterior are in great shape. It impounded for
> 	>registration over due and will be sold in January. I have an "in"
> with 
> 	>a
> 	>friend and may be able to get a real deal on it but I need a
> realist 
> 	>value
> 	>to put on it for my wife. I would like to keep it long enough to
> get 
> 	>my
> 	>quattro back in prime shape and then resell it. Maybe I should sell
> 	>the 4kq
> 	>and buy a newer 4kq latter when I sell the coupe. 
> 	>Thanks
> 	>Jim Dupree
> 	> <mailto:dupree@alldata.com> dupree@alldata.com
> 	>Technical Editor II
> 	>ALLDATA Corp.
> 	>Database Development
> 	>(916) 684-5200 Ext. 3346
> 	>Fax: (916) 684-5225
> 	>
> 	Love, Like, or Just Plain Tolerate,
> 	Timothy