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Re: re Re: 2 piece exhaust manifold

In message <A955A4BCA8F8D011AE1C0000F804A88A0226A97B@EMSS05M02.ems.lmco.com> "Smith, Kirby A" writes:

>>> Can you expand on your criticisms of the Dialynx EM?  This is the
>>> first I'd read about anything negative about them, except that
>>> they sometimes warp once, and need to be machined.

>> They warp like wet boards.

> Why can't they be heat treated and ground flat before initial installation;
> do they warp reversably as a function of temperature?

I think mine is warping again - that's the only explanation I have for
the noise the car is currently making.  All the warps I've seen have
been fairly large - John Robinson's first lay on the bar all night at
the Plough, being periodically poked into a kind of rocking motion.
Mine warped at the other end - ports 1 & 2 shifted backwards about 1.5mm
while remaining parallel with the others.  Odd.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
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