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Re: wacko service writers

>  Well I don't want to put a damper on this time of joy and merriment,
>took the Audi a '91 90q20v to McDonald Audi/VW in

Audi would triple it's market share in the US if it:

a)  hired WMB's product marketing people (sell performance models here, too)
b)  adopted suxuL/itinifnI's customer service attitude (service is more
important than product)

Alas, with one or two hot selling models, at present, and the Japanese mfrs.
on the ropes, they'll content themselves with incremental gains.

Funny also how when you complain to the dealer, it's "AOA's policy," and
when you complain to AOA, "the dealers are independent entities."

Brandon Hull
'91 ersatz S2, would like to get the ABS diagnosed, but local dealer doesn't
have the equipment for the "older" cars.