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Never the hotbed of Audi (was 88 5kcsquattro for sale...)

Good to see there is at least ONE person holding their own in Rustang
& Cam-ro land.

When I lived here, just getting plugs for my car was a challenge.
Place: Advance Auto, Colonial Heights
Me: I need 5 Bosch XXX-111 plugs- for an 83 Audi 5000s
Advance Auto guy: I recommend you change all the plugs at once.
Me: Yea, I am... 5.
AAG: Well, you just need 4, you counted the coil wire.
Me: Nope.... 5 Bosch plugs.
AAG: Hey, I'll sell you 5, but you just need 4!
Me: Check your computer, better yet, look at my car.
AAG: Dang foren' cars. Ya know what Audi stands for huh? Fix it again
Tony! Harhar.
Me: (Picking up the plugs and inspecting them) These aren't the right

I'll probably make my way down to the dealer to see the car anyway.
Two or three of the salesguys come wandering out to see who put
Porsche alloys on the 4 cyl Audi.

Ira said:
>If Jason can't take a look I can, I live in East 
>Tennessee, Bristol 20 min from Rick Hill Imports 
>(Audi,BMW, 'Benz, Porsche).  I have to pick up a part 
>next week for my 4kcsq.  Like Jason said you rarely 
>see Audis around here.
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