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5k/4kq w/bear interchange?

Hello all...
quick question as I am going to change all of my wheel bearings on my 4kq
this weekend.... It shows the 5kS (fwd) wheel bearing is the same as the
rear on the 4kq..... Can anyone verify this??? 
I am also going to do a CV boot.. (outer right) 
anything else you recommend while in there?? 
I am going to yank the struts out and press the new bearings in with
anti-sieze... I have already done the rest of the suspension and one
of the front wheel bearings but I can't even remember which one and it 
sounds like there is one in the front and rear howling..
So I'm just gonna fork over a little preventative maintainance.....

BTW, I drove 2400 miles in 2 days at an average speed of 85mph on the 
trip computer and the car did great!! 
The new Dunlop W-10 sport tires did great.....
I have never had 45 series tires before though...
I would definately recommend the TSW Hockenheim's too anyone with a CGT/4kq
85+ They look great!! many compliments!!

If you need a picture look at Blau's project 4kq....

Rich Andrews

BTW, Have a safe and happy New year!!!