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Re: 5KTQ -85 Part no.

Re: Part nrs.  Why don't you get them in Sweden, then post them and we
    can check over here.
Re: Transport of Hydraulic Pressure Accumulator (HPA) - 
    BTW, don't mention/imply flying and "b" word in the same post :-)
Another problem you, actually your friend will have - if US airport
security works - is transporting the HPA.  To x-ray (all outbound int'l
baggage is supposed to be x-rayed), it's gonna look like, well, a bomb. 

Your friend may suddenly find himself being paged then surrounded by an
army of Fed/local law enforcement types.  Unless regulations have
changed, an HPA would be considered Hazardous Material (pressurized
vessel) and would not be allowed as cargo on a commercial passenger 
flight.  Best if you explain situation to someone knowledgeable at the
airline your friend is flying and get the best method to ship it.
MJ Murphy