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Re: 4kq Springs

Use the Eibach springs for the TQC!!!
I have them on my car and they work great and the car sits the same height
about with sagging springs....
actually it is level.... I checked this with my level...
The TQC springs only lower the car 3/4 inch.... not anything to worry
about... The car still appears to be at factory ride height 
but oh well.... it handles great!
Rich Andrews
'86 4kq
> I have to replace my front struts, and assume that unlike on the 5k, the 
> springs will have to come out to replace them.  I have decided to go 
> with the Boge Turbogas.  I think that my springs are sagging, so I want 
> to replace them too.  It seems as if everybody has gone with Eibachs.  
> However, every Eibach website touts how the springs lower the car.  As 
> mine is a winter car in Minnesota, I am more concerned about plowing 
> through a foot of snow than that "ugly wheel arch gap".
> Is there another good, progressive spring that does not lower the car 
> and reduce ground (snow) clearance?
> Matthew Brenengen
> '87 4kq; '88 QSW
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