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Outrageous 4kq price

Okay, little Q content, but I _had_ to post about this one.

Returning home for the holidays, my best car-freak buddy of mine and I do
the "rounds" going to all the local new and used car dealerships in the
greater Iowa City metropolitan area (sic).

Lo and behold, we spy a nice Tornado Red 4kq (86 vintage) at Carousel
Motors (if you're from the area, you know where this is going).  Upon
closer inspection, we see it is beautiful.  Great paint, no dings, NO
rust, pristene all around.  58k miles.  But here's the catch:  asking
price is $9875.

Whoa.  I took a picture for posterity.  I will be driving it today or
tomorrow to see if it has an MC motor in or something :).

87 4kq - considering trading in at Carousel... mebbe they'll give me 6-7K
for it?  Heh...

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