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Re: 4000 MC conversion
On Wed, 30 Dec 1998 13:10:10 -0500, Gary Kaklikian wrote:
>[ ... ] Decided to switch over from an
>underpowered, treacherous-in-any-kind-of- inclement-weather BMW, in this
>case a somewhat modified 1986 535i that I was fortunate enough to sell here
>in Colorado with winter just around the corner. Don't mean to offend any BMW
>fans out there - I might still own one if high altitude and snow (or even
>rain) were not an issue.
Not to worry. Many of us appreciate the good qualities of other fine
automobiles, especially the German variety. It's fun to hang the tail out
under full throttle now and again, an amusement which can be hard to
come by for quattro drivers.
>[ ... ]
>2) Anyone had any experience with the 2-piece Audi exhaust manifold or the
>Dialynx manifold for the MC engine? Any other more cost-effective way to
>improve reliability and better flow? I know the stock manifold is prone to
>breaking studs under hard use. [ ... ]
I have not heard anyone defend the Dialynx option for some time. OTOH,
there have been good reports regarding the 2-pc. Personally, I will be
swapping out a Dialynx for the 2-pc as soon as the bloody thing comes
loose again.
DeWitt Harrison
Boulder, CO
88 5kcstq