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Buzzing noise from fuel tank

>From: "scott miller" <macatawa@hotmail.com>
>Subject: Noisy fuel pump fix
>As told to me by my local Audi-trained, multi-quattro owning guru & 
>mechanic:  The Audi service bulletin fix for the noisy fuel pump is to 
>cut the screen out of the pump intake.  He suggests I clean mine with 
>solvent and clean the gunk out of the bottom of my tank.  The gunk is 
>apparently clogging the screen.  This would explain the return of the 
>noise after replacing the pump and/or filter.  Opening the fuel line 
>allows back flow to clear the screen, but the gunk remains right under 
>the screened inlet.  He also mentioned getting the pump clipped back in 
>is very difficult, and the whole job would take him about an hour and a 
>half in his shop.  He listened to my pump, quite audible from 50 feet, 
>and didn't think it needed immediate attention.
>‘90 200qw

Scott - I have to raise my eyebrows on your mechanic's comments - 

It takes me 45 minutes or so from opening the trunk to washing my hands
clean for a fuel pump R&R. I've also tried taking out the screen - it made
no difference in the noise whatsoever, and the screen is stainless steel
mesh and is TOUGH. You have to be sure to get ALL the little bits of
cut-off screen out because if any get int the pump, they'll lock it up for

Getting the pump to re-seat correctly is very easy - line it up on the
three studs, give a gentle push, and it clicks into place.

I think 50 foot audibility is telling you, me and everyone else within
earshot that it is pump time . . .

He makes me curious about how much he charges for other fairly simple, fast

Best Regards,

Mike Arman (and twirling wrenches is my hobby, NOT my business . . .)