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Re: Speedo botcher!
On Thu, 31 Dec 1998, Theodore R. Harlan wrote:
> There should definitely be some tension there. Would a stop be necessary
> if there were no tension on the needle?
Good point. I will have to try it again, since I'm 10 mph off,
Maybe I should pre tension about the amound 10 mph is on the speed. WHat,
15 degrees or so. Thanks
> No, as it uncoils it draws closer to a point where it either opens or
> closes a circuit to illuminate the check engine light, around 60,000
> miles, I think. I ripped the thing off as it seemed to provide enough
> resistance to knock out the infamous white odo gear that (*&^(*^*^
> everything up.
Thats an idea. I may do that when I get in there :-) BTW I
assumed the infamous white odo gear is the one on the oppisite side of
shaft that engages a screw type gear at 90 degrees?
> There's some special tool that speedo shops use to remove the needle
> shaft. It's bad to break the thing off and try to reglue it. For the
> life of me, I have no idea how that tool works. If I ever have a junked
> speedo I _will_ find out!
I just pulled carefully a;nd it popped right off. Popped right on
too. TTight friction fit I think. We'll see if it moves once
pretensioned though. Thanks.
Happy New Year Everyone