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CIS duty cycle adjustment (DHOW) also attention Canadian Tire shoppers

	Am I supposed to undo the O2 sensor when I adjust the duty cycle, or leave
it connected? I know Mr. B says to leave it connected, but locally, my guy
sez undo it, as it makes no sense to have it connected, as then it won't be
adjusted correctly for a cold start, (pre-sensor). His line of reasoning
makes senseto my muddled mind, however....my expensive manual can't be
_that_ wrong, can it? (VBG)
	Presently reading ~70% connected, ~50% disconnected, everything else
connected. It just doesn't *feel* right, bit of a bog from off-to-on
throttle. New warm-up reg just installed.

Any thought or words of enlightenment?

BTW, Canadian listers, got a replacement for my stolen talking DMM. 
Canadian Tire, Equs brand, $70, has duty cycle, and a 5 cylinder tach!

Steve Bigelow  Ottawa Ontario
'84 5ks "Audrey", presently no power to CC control head, weird feeling
engine, and a blown wheel cylinder. Phooey. 
Shiny, though..........:)