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holiday report
the original plan was not to take a break over the traditional new zealand
summer christmas break, but the death of a close friend in a aeroplane
crash the week before christmas made tracey and i decide to take a break
after the funeral.
two weeks later and the diet of perfect hot summer weather, good friends,
exercise, swimming and eating/drinking and i feel more of an appetite to
get back into the world as i used to know it?
anyway, the roads around nelson (top of the south island of new zealand)
are some of the best driving roads that i've seen. the inland road between
upper moutere south to the neudorf saddle and beyond is wonderful.
twisting, well sealed, with good cambers, these roads traverse fertile
valleys and the low hills of the region with the vineyards of the lower
slopes augmented by the sheep and beef farms of the hills. the vineyards
themselves are well worth the visit with some very good pinots and
chardonnay's (the highlight would be the spencer hill "evans vineyard"
upper moutere chardonnay, truly fascinating) making the tasting experience
well worth while. the area goes back to early european settlement with a
strong german tint in the lutheran churches in the villages.
the black station wagon has also enjoyed getting the cholesterol of the
city out of his veins. temperatures of 30+ degrees, air con on full and
long runs above 4k revs in 3rd and 4th have improved the engine's appetite
for work and responsiveness. the usual rock-solid temperatures have
confirmed the fundamental engineering of this machine. very impressive and
while not as at home on these sorts of roads as the ur-quattro would be,
due mainly to the wagon's damping and roll, it certainly isn't overwhelmed
by them. and the wagon can cope with more than 1 crate of wine! also nice
to be a somewhat lonely performance audi in the midst of a collection of
dozens of subaru legacy turbos and some wrx's. the legacy turbo has got to
be the cult lads car in the antipodes. no coppers either except for the
mufti camera car duly detected and avoided. the south island due to it's
population deficit mercifully lacks the attention of the revenue police.
the other highlight has to be the ferrari museum here in nelson. a 250swb
(my favourite) was a taster for the 275gt and the 375gtb daytona. but what
blew me away though was the pristine 312 as raced by gilles villeuneuve in
the kalaymi grand prix in 1979. the same model of 312 as what jody
scheckter used to complete ferrari's last drivers championship victory. a
wonderful piece of history for ferrari and gilles fans. coupled with some
good video and photographic resources this is a must see for ferrari fans.
what a surprise to find this in nelson, new zealand.
wishing all the list a good new year.
'95 rs2
'90 ur-q
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