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Re: wishbone pivot bushes

Make sure when you put the arms pack in you jack them up to where the car would
sit so the bushings do not tear.... If I am not clear enough maybe another
lister could jump in here and be more specific!

Rich Andrews
> Hi,
> I've recently noticed that the wishbone bushes are perished and need 
> replacing on my audi 80/4000. I've had the wishbone off once already 
> and am clueless on how to get the old ones out let alone the new ones 
> in. Do I need a special tool? or should the garage do it?
> In the past "Jan's VW page" which lists procedures on how to carry 
> out simple tasks has been a good resource on how to fix my car. 
> -but the page is down now. Does anyone know of good resources on 
> the net for things like bearing, rear drums and shoe, and bushes 
> replacement?
> hope someone can help
> cheers
> Ed
> Manchester, England 
> David Shiers 
> West Midlands IRIS Initiative
> work 01538 381022   
> home 01538 399660
> fax 01538 398638