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Fwd: Radar Detector Info

Here's a forward from the VW A2_16V list re: Valentine Radar Detectors I
fond interesting....

> From: "speedlaw" <speedlaw@bestweb.net>
> To: <a2_16v@connecticom.com>
> Subject: Re: Radar Detector Question (long)
> Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1999 22:19:06 -0500
> All,
>     I had an Escort when they first came out.  I remember the change from X
> band to K band, and my first instant on ticket.  VT, 1980 or so.  Prior to
> instant on, it was two, three miles of warning-and door openers were still
> electric eyes, not microwaves....
>     Went to a Passport when the Escort went to the denizens of the night in
> NYC.  Same bounce, smaller package.
>     Bought a BEL when I got a second car, as a stopgap measure.  Actually,
> bought a Whistler, and returned it for the BEL.   Both units were a total
> waste of money, as it did not have the x or k sensitivity of the Port .
> Valentine's web site is not lying when they discuss the lack of range for
> newer units.  That old Escort your cousin has lying on the shelf has easily
> twice the K band range of the mass market stuff.
>     I no longer have the full post due to a crash (computer, not car), but
> once tested three detectors.  NYDOT used a K transmitter to trip some
> construction intersection lights, and posted distance signs to the
> construction site.  My V1 was a reliable alert at 1800 feet.  the passport
> went off at 1600 feet, and the BEL was finally awakened at 500 feet. (DOH!)
> Those who are more engineering minded will be able to fill in the relative
> field strength of the signal.  The transmitter was much lower power than a
> police radar, and the alerts (except for the BEL) were over a hill and
> around a curve.
>     This also corresponded with my real world observations.
>     I am an attorney who makes a decent living fighting traffic tickets.  In
> most cases in NY, an 85 mph ticket will cost you @ $150, depending on the
> Judge.  Add to this your insurance rate increase for the next three years.
> Alternately, hire me for about $350, and I'll usually get your ticket
> knocked down to a minor mover or at worst a 64/55.  You will still pay a
> fine.
>     Either way, it's cheaper to buy a V1 and avoid the tickets in the first
> place.  One note, is that with the plethora of crap out there, a V1 is
> really an F-15 surrounded by Cessna Piper Cubs.  We all know a lot of people
> who tried but don't use detectors anymore, due to the false alarms, or such
> lack of sensitivity that it was false security.  The problem is that the
> technical situation is such that an effective counter measure now costs real
> money.  Gone are the days one diode hooked to a beeper sufficed, and with
> the width of the Ka band, you cannot rely on el cheapo parts with wide
> tolerances.  You need some computer power and the ability to analyze
> multiple signals at once.
> You will know if there is transmitter anywhere around you.  Period.
> You can drive past shopping malls in Logic Mode.  It will tell you if
> there's a real radar signal out there without hearing the K Mart false.
> Seen this many times.
> If your police use the new Ka guns with frequency hopping, state of the art
> technology, you have parity.  (Most detectors deal with the Ka false problem
> by notching out the sensitivity at the harmonic.  Guess where many Ka guns
> are transmitting-everyone reverse engineers everyone elses' toys)
> The V1 goes to a lot of effort to screen out the Ka falses that the crap
> detectors spit out.  It looks for the other harmonics.  Think of the V1 as a
> computer married to a detector.  It is so sensitive that if you don't use
> the filters, or shut off the Ka anti false circutry (yes, you can do this),
> you will go nuts, as it picks up everything.  Picking up a door opener at a
> shopping mall is a pain, but the computer can tell the difference, and NOT
> alert you.
> The radar locator arrow is the best advance in detectors since superhet, and
> you can program it to ignore any band, or change the alert patterns.  This
> is handy if you are in an area where you KNOW they don't use x band.  I 95
> in CT has speed sensors on X band.  the cops all use K or Ka.  Knock out the
> x band, and lo and behold, you can still use your detector on  I 95.  The
> police pick up someone else, less technically sophisticated.  Keep in mind
> in most cases, you only have to out snoop your fellow detector users, and
> the great herd, if you are not the only car on the road.
> I too was once a poor college student.  On the dash of my rusted 73 Nova
> (straight 6/auto), there was an Escort.  It's all a matter of priority, and
> the $250 in 1980 can't be much off $400 in 1999.
> Save your money, drink cheaper beer, but don't bother with a cheap detector.
> There is too much financially at risk.  In today's world, we have to look
> for wisps of instant on signal from other vehicles.  You cannot use less
> than state of the art.
> Casey
> (PS-whoever posted the NY speeding ticket question e mail me.  I am sure I
> can help)
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	88 90Q "Hannu" - K+N, new vac hoses, lubed U-Joint, still 0.0 bar....
	88 Golf GTi - PRO Rally