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RE: odor of burning rubber
Just had the same problem happen on an 88 5kcstq in very similar
circumstances. Car was parked three days at mountain lodge with lots of
snow/ice and had to be dug out. Started easily, but heater has been
putting out burnt rubber smell all the time since then. Began to smell as
soon as the car warmed up, even before we drove it. Odor seems to reduce
or go away when heater control is turned to low.
Have yet to investigate but does not seem engine related. Speculating it
could be piece of rubber against the heater core or something w/Cat. I'm
struck by event being brought on by extreme weather conditions in two
cases. Prior to parking at the lodge we'd never encountered the smell.
Any other experiences out there? Thanks.
Dick Binns
The other day (-15 to -20F), I cruised briefly through a bit of 6 to 8"
snow on our back roads and later on drove into town. On the way back, I >
noticed a faint odor of burning rubber when the car was driven slowly
stopped..........suspect something related to exhaust, CV boots,
etc.--possibly caused by driving through the deep snow? It's 10F right now
and I'll need to be laying on snow and ice to investigate, so any
suggestions on where to look would be appreciated.
'91 200q