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RE: Steering Rack Rebuild
I am a new member to the list and just was informed by my mechanic that I
need a new steering rack in my 87 5kcstq. It looks as though most of you do
them on your own with rebuilt racks from Jorgen Automotive.
Any suggestions on a good independent mechanic in the SF Bay Area that can
do this for me?
87 5kcstq
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Conner [mailto:conner@cfm.ohio-state.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 1999 1:44 PM
To: Cliff Dawson
Cc: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject: re: Steering Rack Rebuild
Cliff asks:
"Now that I've successfully replaced the seals in my 87 5ks power steering
pump, I now need to replace the seals and boot on the rack. I've removed
the rack, but this appears to be a tougher job than the pump. I've heard
through another lister that the bushings in the rack must also be replaced
to prevent metal shavings from damaging the new seals. Is this true? If
so, what other things should I look forward to?"
I recently went thru this. Like you I had rebuilt the pump with no problem
and next wanted to tackle the rack.
I bought a rebuilt rack for about $200 from:
Jorgen Automotive, Ann Arbor, MI. 1-800-333-0600.
Service was excellent. I'd do it again.
Before I decided to go that route I asked about the pro/con of buying a
rebuilt vs doing my own rebuild.
Copied below is Scott J's reply to me. In hindsight I'd say he was right
on the money.
Dave Conner
87 5ks
89 100
86 4kq
<< Any recommendations re: where to get a rebuild kit? Should I replace
the boot too?
Yes you need a special tool, rebuilding is not easy, and usually you end up
having to do it again. Yes do the boot too, chances are it's ripped (or
to). The nice thing about a rebuilt rack is that ZF does a darn good job,
you get a lot of new pieces (instead of just rebuild bushings). The kit
itself is getting more expensive, (close to $100 with boot, discounted), and
the time involved really doesn't pay well. Hence, I have quit rebuilding
them, and already sold my audi seal tool, otherwise I would send it to
The nicest thing about a rebuilt rack is the time. From drive to drive, I
have that project down to about 1/2 day. Check out Scott Mockry's page for
more information on the rack project.
Scott J