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plugs/spades etc

	i am 90% sure i know which electrical connection is
	responsible for my intermittent 4k cutout problem.
	it wasn't intermittent for a while, but as i cleaned
	contacts and such it started to show up less, and 
	now it's almost never there.  evcept when i really
	need it, of course ;)

	anyway, i thinkthe culprit is a two-wire plug.  this
	is on the passenger side of the engine compartment,
	and it's typical in that it has a couple of spade 
	conncetors inside a white plastic plug assembly.
	it's very grimy inside, despite my efforts to wd40 
	it clean.  also one of the wires is barely holding
	on to the spade.  

	i need a source for new spades, though i can probably
	re-use the old one.  what i really need to know is 
	how to get the spades out of the plug!  i am certain 
	i can clean and repair the connections if i can get 
	to the spades, free of the plug.

 rocky mullin
 two strokes are faster than four!
 this message was composed using the vi editor.
 '83 ur-q - yamaha rz350 - suzuki ts250 -  chaotic good