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Re: Audi 90 Trouble codes, Thanks I got the 90 started.

The check engine light came on by itself.  Also, the temperature gauge on the
dash is not working, could this be part of code 2312.

Robert Myers wrote:

> At 01:45 AM 1/8/99 -0500, you wrote:
> >I got it started, it was missing the engine timing 2 fuse.  My uncle
> >said oh, I
> >did not know that was a working fuse, it seems he took it out thinking
> >that those
> >fuses on the side panel were "extras", and out it in his car for
> >something else
> "Gee, Thanks Uncle Phil!"  :-)  I'm glad you found the problem.  Yes, a
> missing fuse could be, I suppose, considered to be an electrical glitch.  :-)
> >"Oh Boy",  Thanks to all who have helped.  After she started running I
> >checked
> >for trouble codes
> Did the check engine light come on by itself?  If not, the codes may be
> just random noise.
> >and I first got 4444, then i got 2132, 2121, 2132,
> >2312, (in
> >that order) i know them all except 2132, it is not listed on 20V list
> >with the
> >trouble codes.
> 4444 is all is OK.  This is the all clear signal.
> I have no record of a 2132 fault code.
> 2312 Coolant sensor    Open or short circuit,
>                        defective sensor        Sensor and cables
> >The engine dosen't seem to have too much power, and as
> >it gets
> >to about 4K rpms it stops pulling.
> Check the web pages for IA.  There is mention there about a typical 4K rpm
> problem.  Perhaps this is also your problem.  You will have to search a
> bit.  There is a trouble shooting section.  I forget exactly what Ned calls
> it.
> http://www.intendedacceleration.com
> Good luck.
> ___
>    Bob
>   *******************************************************************
>   *  Robert L. Myers  rmyers@inetone.net    Home 304-574-2372/1166  *
>   *  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA      WV tag Q SHIP  *
>   *  '95 S6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen                        *
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